Song of The Day | Jean Grae – “My Story”

29 12 2009

The first time I heard Jean was when I followed upon the herbaliser who is also a great producer. I was abridged of how she delivered her lyrics and for a woman she would probably kill most rappers today. She always seem like a great person to heart and really does keep the rhythm as a producer.

A Day In The Life: DJ Neil Armstrong

13 12 2009

Neon Gorilla presents A Day In The Life of DJ Neil Armstrong, the Official DJ of Jay-Z’s Blueprint 3 Tour. The Neon Gorilla crew documented Neil during the tour’s stop in Toronto, which was also the official release day of our Ransom by Adidas Footwear Collection.

Peanut Butter Wolf Interview – Karma Loop

2 10 2009

Reflection Eternal: Talib & Hi-Tek

7 08 2009

Talib Kweli and Hit-Tek partnered up again for there new album. This is an interview provided by Karmalooptv (